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Como faço para enviar comprovante de pagamento para SKY?

Clique em procurar e localize o arquivo no seu computador. Quando você enviar a solicitação de suporte, será anexado o comprovante de pagamento. Se você não tem a opção de anexar seu comprovante de pagamento para o e-mail de solicitação de suporte, enviá-lo sem ele. Nós explicaremos como proceder na nossa resposta.

Como consigo os protocolos de atendimento SKY?

A SKY disponibilizará em seu site para consulta imediata pelo consumidor os protocolos registrados nos últimos 6 meses. As consultas de protocolos anteriores ao período acima podem ser solicitadas via canais de atendimento, conforme regulamentação aplicável.

Qual é o E-mail da SKY?

Para atendimento, acesse o Chat de Atendimento no link abaixo, ou se preferir nos encaminhe um e-mail para [email protected].

Qual o E-mail da SKY para reclamação?

Número de Telefone Ouvidoria SKY

Ouvidoria SKY Telefone 0800 728 7160
Clientes SKY deficientes auditivos 0800 701 1200
E-mail SKY TV [email protected]
E-mail SKY Internet Banda Larga [email protected]
SAC SKY 106 11

Where does Everlast products get their products from?

Over the last 10 years, we’ve sought to improve product design and service as our customer base has grown. Everlast is a company that is wholly owned and located in the United States with distribution and facilities in California.

Where does Everlast inverter welders equipment come from?

Everlast is a company that is wholly owned and located in the United States with distribution and facilities in California. We manufacture our product line overseas in China with direct supervisory control and presence in the factories overseeing details of the manufacturing process.

How long has Everlast been in the lighting industry?

With over 20 years of business in the lighting industry, EverLast Lighting’s industry-leading options and features make every fixture truly built for you. With its core focus on commercial and industrial LED lighting solutions, Everlast Lighting understands how quality lighting impacts your business.

What kind of shoe box does Everlast use?

The Encounter Series LED shoe box offers a powder coated die cast aluminum housing, dusk-to-dawn and control options, along with multiple mounting options. The 65C17B pushes LED performance to the next level by maximizing LED chip density as well as a cold-forged, aluminum heat sink that results in unmatched performance.